Alto Arcade

Illustrator | Architecture

Engineer in liminal space

Engineer in Liminal Space is an art project (mixed media in nature) i've been making time to time, sometimes alone, sometimes being joined and collaborated with my Friend AlfarexThe Series has a theme of Engineer from Team Fortress 2 Travelling and finding himself in different location that is categorized under Liminal Spaces, Hostile Environment, Megastructures and Dreamcore imagesBelow are the artworks i've Made for the series, for the Full Compilation, Please Visit the Twitter Thread of it


Hi! My name is Alto ArcadeMost of my work deals with Structures, Mega Structures, Liminal Spaces, Hostile Environment, and anything Architecture Related as I love drawing Backgrounds and Architecture most of the time. Most of my non-liminal space background works were inspired by Tsutomu Nihei's craft, specially the manga series "BLAME!" and BiomegaI am also an illustrator that works on several collaborations within Video Gaming Fandom, Specially in Team Fortress 2


Katacrisum, derived from the word "CATACLYSM" meant to be unpronounced, is a collection of artworks related to Team Fortress 2 introducing Red Engineer and Red Spy Travelling throughout the entire TF2 World, except it doesn't look as same as what it isThis Art collection was Inspired by the Works of Tsutomu Nihei, specifically "BLAME!"Status: SEASON 2 STARTED


Some of my Works throughout the years

Comic Works